I’m getting ready to present our Marketing Workshop this Wednesday and thought I’d share a taste of the content with you. I’d love you to attend –  just email me at lisa@straighttalk.com.au – but for those who can’t, I hope these quick tips will be useful and interesting.

One for each day of the week – no excuses for procrastinating on your marketing strategy!

1. What do you do differently/better than your competitors? Your business will thrive when customers and prospects understand why they should choose you. It could be something as simple as always running on time, providing free delivery, or service with a smile. Whatever it is that sets you apart, get clear on it, and make sure all your staff, clients and prospects are aware of it. OWN it!

2. All our clients are probably sick of our little mantra, “constant and consistent”, but we’re going to keep saying it because this is the key to winning marketing! Did you know that people need to be “reached” with some form of contact an average of 7+ times before they take any action?

3. Understand lag-time. This goes with #2 – don’t take a once-off marketing action and expect immediate results. Not only do you need to be constant and consistent (repeat after me!), you also need to play the waiting game. You will likely see results of any action for quite some time afterwards. I just called the electrician who gave me a fridge magnet 3 years ago…

4. Make the intangible tangible. Help your audience understand the value in your work. For example, if your business has a 5 step process that delivers the client a result, tell them what it is! Clients often only see the end result and won’t think about the steps you’ve taken to ensure quality – unless you tell them.

5. People pay attention to what interests them. I know this seems obvious, but how often do you see promotional material that makes you booooooored. How can you make your message more interesting and fun? What are the people you want to engage with interested in?

6.Remember that customers are value – NOT price – focussed. Despite what you might think, only 15% shop on price! Give your audience a reason to choose your business rather than trying to offer the lowest price.

7. Attend our Marketing workshop this week! we can help you apply these strategies and lots more to your business, starting during the workshop! email me at lisa@straighttalk.com.au or comment below to save your spot.

I hope you enjoyed these tips. I’d love to know which one jumped out at you and how you’ll be applying it in your business, or if you are already using these strategies. Drop me a line!

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