Marketing Mistake #1; Failure To Let Your Prospects And Customers Know The Unique Benefits They Get From Doing Business With You And Not Your Competitors

“Why should I do business with you?”

This is a question that goes through your prospect’s minds before they choose to do business with you and through each of your customer’s minds before they return to buy from you again.

And, it’s a question you must take the time to formulate an answer to. Without an answer, you become like every other business who sells the same products or services as you.

It doesn’t matter what product or service is being offered, your customers can go nearly anywhere and find the exact same (or very similar) products or services offered for the same price, or perhaps for even less money than what you charge.

So, think about yourself, for a minute. Why do you do shop at the same stores or eat at the same restaurants over and over again?

  1. Most likely, it’s because they offer something you can’t get elsewhere.
  2. Maybe they’re closer to where you live or work.
  3. Maybe you like the way a particular restaurant prepares a certain meal. Maybe it’s the environment or the people who work there.
  4. Maybe you just feel comfortable… almost like you’re at home while you’re in their place of business.

It may not be one single thing that influences you, but rather a combination of several factors.

Nevertheless, the businesses you continue to frequent gives you something special. Something unique. Something you just can’t get anywhere else. It’s that uniqueness that keeps you coming back over and over again.

If you expect people to do business with you rather than your competition, it’s imperative that you have something to offer that your competition doesn’t have.

Preferably something your competition can’t offer. Something that sets you and the products or services you offer apart from everyone else in your type of business.

That’s what’s known as your Unique Competitive Advantage, or UCA.

Keep thinking about this concept and we’ll write to you next about how you can develop your Unique Competitive Advantage, or alternatively, call me to discuss a time to catch up.


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